Atelier Frank – Restaurování a ověřování pravosti obrazů, knih a uměleckých děl – Atelier Frank provádí restaurování malířských výtvarných děl, obrazů a papíru, pergamenu a knih. Zabýváme se expertizami výtvarných děl a ověření pravosti obrazů, zhotovováním historických faksimilí knižních iluminací a historických dokumentů.

Studio of painting and paper conservation

The nature of our work is directed towards minimally invasive interventions that do not affect the authenticity of the artworks. We are used to doing sometimes invisible job.

Examples of selected projects

fotogalerie-1 Matka země
František Drtikol, 1941
fotogalerie-2 Hlava Rabína
počátek 18.století
fotogalerie-3 Zátiší se sovou
Emil Filla, 1937
fotogalerie-4 Matka země (I)
František Drtikol, 1941 (I)
fotogalerie-5 Hlava Rabína (II)
počátek 18.století (II)
fotogalerie-3 Zátiší se sovou (III)
Emil Filla, 1937 (III)
fotogalerie-5 Test

Studio of painting and paper conservation

Our private studio specializes in painting and paper conservation focusing on easel paintings on canvas, wood and other supports and works of art on paper, including book conservation. As well as working in our studio we carry out projects in situ, in related decorative techniques used in historical interiors such as mural paintings, wallpapers and other oversize objects. The majority of work is undertaken by Jarmila Frankova (paper and book conservation) and David Frank (painting conservation). With highly complex projects we always build up a team of experts chosen with consideration to specific object and material requirements and in accordance with conservation treatment proposed for a given project. All the treatments are carried out only by accredited conservators/restorers.

Our work is oriented to less invasive ways of treatment with minimum impact to the authenticity of works of art and other treated objects. The style and methods we use are based on knowledge of classical materials and techniques in conservation, though the use of modern technology finds its way into numerous alternative treatments. All the conservation procedures and methods we apply are selected on the basis of detailed technical examination of a given object and critical assessment of its state of preservation therefore employing the maximum understanding of its material structure. When planning complex and non-standard projects we combine our approaches with specialists of related disciplines, such as curators, art historians, national heritage supervisors and analytical labs. Reversibility of implemented methods and materials and its long-term stability is always considered to be a basic principle in the conservation process.