Unknown Artist, 1619

Detail during removal of varnish and overpaints

1. pred rest rozptylene

State before conservation with discolored retouching and yellowed varnish

1.1 detail tvare pred rest

Detail of the face

7.2 sondaz snimani laku, UV osvetleni

Reducing of varnish layers, UV fluorescence image

NIR foto

IR reflectography shows surface with past retouching campaigns

9.2 snimani premaleb, detail tvare

Detail during removal of varnish and overpaints

11. obraz po sejmuti premaleb a laku

Painting after removal of secondary inpaintings

13.obraz po restaurovani

After conservation

Portrait of a Young Man, 1619, Bučovice Castle

The portrait of a young man depicted en-face with a white collar on a dark background in a period garment of silvery silk with gilt trimmings is a consistent example of Renaissance portraiture. The artist of the portrait probably came from a Spanish background, given the painting’s considerable affinity with works from the portrait gallery of the Lobkowicz family of Nelahozeves, which was created by Spanish artists in the early 17th century.

The painting was apparently in good condition, but this was clearly the result of a past restoration intervention that had already dealt with years of radical damage. Since the last restoration the retouching of paint, varnish and the surface of the painting have been altered.

In this respect, the painting poses a significant dilemma. This being whether or not to carry out a restoration at all, and if so, to what extent. The work would undoubtedly still be able to remain in the castle’s exhibition in its current state for some time. Only perhaps in a gallery context is the previous restoration intervention already beyond its lifespan.


The survey focused on the extent of previous restoration and the preservation of the original painting. The painting was photographed under UV fluorescence and IR reflectography recordings were made.

The painting was locally consolidated and previous retouching and varnish were removed. New visual reintegration was located to damaged areas and losses of paint.